Camera Position Podcast

So you already listen to Jeff Curto’s History of Photography Podcast, which I talked about in a prior post. It’s great, it’s informative, it’s entertaining. But say you need more…….more Curto. Well, there is a place where you can get that extra bit more, and it’s his excellent ‘other’ podcast entitled Camera Position.

This is entirely different from the History of Photography classroom lectures. The Camera Position podcast is perhaps best described by Jeff in his own words as “a podcast about the visual and creative processes in photography, not the technical. Using images and the spoken word, my podcasts are about the ‘why’ of photography from the point of view of the creative photographer.”

Always thoughtful and entertaining, the podcasts run about 10-20 minutes, but I guarantee you will be thinking about the topics covered for longer than that.

Over the course of time, I plan to post about more of my favorite podcasts, and when I discuss them will put each one in a new 'Favorite Podcasts' sidebar.

Administrative Announcement: For the moment I have decided to try turning on 'Comment Moderation'. The reason is not that I have received spam or inappropriate comments. The reason is a bit more utilitarian. For the life of me, I can’t get the blogger software to e-mail me the comments that people post. The upshot of this is that, as the number of blog entries grows, and as more comments are made in the blog, it has become impossible for me to know when new comments have been posted with the exception of the most recent post or two.

I just can’t seem to get this fixed and so I am hoping that by turning on “Comment Moderation” all new comments will at least filter through the “Moderated Comment Inbox” enabling me to get a look at each of them. I do enjoy getting comments and hope that this mild inconvenience will not deter anyone from making them. I plan to post them all except for any spam that might come this way.

Thanks for visiting.

Creativity, PodcastsHowardComment