Quick Quotes

"The term accessories has come to include a host of photographic gadgets of questionable value"

Surprise Author Revealed At End Of Post

Ain't that the truth!

It seems like every day there are more and more gadgets available.  And I don't necessarily mean things that you screw to the front of your camera or carry in your pocket for specific situations when out shooting.  I think I would also have to include the million and one Photoshop plug-ins that look cool but take time to learn and end up getting used only infrequently.  And they all detract from the time available for getting out and photographing!

I, for one, should know.  Like so many other photographers, I get caught up in it just as much as anyone else.  After all, photography is part art, part science, and part technology.  But perhaps the part that is technology has grown just a little too large these days?

So who is it that recognized this issue with the quote above?  None other than Ansel Adams, at a time when the degree of technological inundation would seem to have been far less than it is today!

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