This One Works

A recent post describing one of my zone plate images that didn't seem to work motivated me to have a look at some of the other zone plate shots that I had taken but not yet gotten around to processing.   As I was going through them I found this one, which though similiar to an image already in the portfolio, still seemed different enough to include. This one, I feel, does work.  What I am finding is that these images work best if there are simple lines, the image is not busy with detail, and the lighting is lower contrast since the process makes the highlights glow and further contrast can be added in post-processing.  The presence of a person also adds interest and adds to the surreal feel.  I find that fact interesting as my non-zone plate photos rarely have people in them but almost all of my zone plate images that work have either a person or a statue of a person.

Zone Plate Image

Dreamscapes #8

Copyright Howard Grill