Springs A Comin'

To quote The Beatles, "it's been a long cold lonely winter".  Yes, this winter has been quite bad, particularly in my neck of the woods, and perhaps in yours as well. Sub-zero wind chill, constant snow, and gray skies.  I know some people thrive photographically in the monochrome of winter, but I am not one of them.  Call me a wimp, but I just find it difficult to be creative when I am ....well, cold and uncomfortable.  And this year has been worse than most. But we can soon put that behind us because, as the title of this post suggests, springs a comin'.  And soon.  And spring is my absolute favorite time of year for photographing.  One day I look forward to being able to photograph throughout spring and not just a day here and a day there.

One of my favorite spring subjects are trillium.  I find it particularly difficult to make compelling trillium images because of the forest debris that typically is scattered all among the flowers, but, still, every year I go out there and try.  Even when you don't come away with winning shots (why does it always seem windy on the days I get to go out) it is hard not to enjoy shooting on a spring morning.  It's the process, not necessarily the product!

The following trillium photos from years gone by were all taken at one of my favorite spring wildflower locations, Hell's Hollow, an out of the way area that belongs to McConnell's Mill State Park.

White Trillium

Copyright Howard Grill

Trillium erectum forma luteum

Copyright Howard Grill

Sea Of White

Copyright Howard Grill