A Bit Of Photograhic Humor

I ran across a hilarious comedian on YouTube (and Instagram Reels) who gives a side-splitting rendition of stereotyped conversations with people who have very specific interests. And he had not one, not two, but three related to photography and photographers.

Unfortunately, Squarespace does not allow for the embedding of YouTube shorts or Instagram Reels, only full-fledged YouTube videos in horizontal format. Which is a bummer, because I was planning to embed the videos in this post. However, I just can’t not show these to readers, so I am including links that will take you to the very short and VERY funny videos. Have a laugh, you’ll be glad you did! Really, have a look….

Video #1

“Every Convo With A Photographer”

Video #2

“Every Photographer Showing Their Camera”

Video #3

“People Who Use A Film Camera”

Enjoy, I know I really did!

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